Our Stories

"I dream of Haiti" by Josette

“As I prepared for the mission to Haiti 2013, I had no particular expectation except that I was on my way with my camera to serve. I was prepared and ready to give all of me, expecting nothing in return; I mean, I was on my first mission trip. But what I got in return was more than I could ever have imagined. As we are constantly told that Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere, in my mind I believed that I would find a land destroyed by Mother Nature’s lashings.

But upon arrival, I was pleasantly surprised to see that work had taken place to rebuild this land after the earthquake. Upon reaching our destination in La Cayes, in the south of the beautiful land that is Haiti, I was exposed to Haiti that I had never seen on TV or heard about in the news. It was my first taste of the Caribbean. The scenery was breath-taking, and I couldn’t help but praise the Almighty for the works of his hands.  

I have fond memories of the people that I met in the village of Charlette in Torbeck and in Port Salut. Despite the poverty that is apparent everywhere you look, the people of Haiti are warm, welcoming, and gracious. One of the highlights for me was meeting the children on our sponsorship programme in their homes with their families. I was totally smitten by the children, especially Wilda, our poster girl. Walking through the village to meet them gave us a real sense of who they are in their own environment.  

I had the opportunity to teach on the business programme along with our founder, Jenny Lapompe. The experience was truly humbling and uplifting at the same time. The people have a thirst for knowledge and a strong desire to better themselves. Poverty is real in Haiti, and there is much work to be done, and our mission trip confirmed this to us. The work is not in vain, and it is uplifting a community that felt forgotten by the world.  

I will forever be grateful for the opportunity given to me to serve in Haiti. It was a personal journey of growth and healing where God ministered to me and used me to touch others in ways I could never have imagined. I realised that I am truly blessed and should not take my daily blessings for granted. My heart is filled with the desire to serve those less fortunate than me. I look forward to our continued work to raise the people of Haiti.”

They met with all the children and their families and distributed gifts, which were gratefully received. The families commented how grateful they were for the scheme. We met a grandfather with eight children to look after his two daughters who passed away. Two of the children were already on our programmeme, but upon seeing his struggle, we added two more children to the programmeme.  

Our Stories