Our Stories

Sponsorship Programme

The boy who found his voice

This young man was one of the first on our sponsorship programme. When we registered him in 2013, we were told that he was 'mute'. His father told us that his son would never speak. Through our Matamaini programme, this young man was enrolled in a 'special school'.

In 2014, he said his first word 'dad'. His father, during one of the group feedback sessions at the church in Charlotte, Les Cayes, got up with tears in his eyes and said he heard his son's voice for the first time. This proud father was visibly moved but elated . We were all in tears.

Fast forward four years to 2018, the young man who was written off as 'mute' was as talkative as his peers, and cocky with it. He was so much fun.

He actually said to me "come take a photo of me". Of course I needed to get a translator to help me...I still haven't learned Creole.  

Our Stories